Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

Sunday was Olivia's first Easter and let me tell you. I was very concerned for her Easter dress as she had not had a dirty diaper in two days since "The Great Explosion of 2009." I will explain more later. Easter was a good day. Olivia wore the Easter dress her Mimi bought her. She looked so cute in it with her big hair bow. I know I get rediculous with the hair bows, but I just LOVE them. Everyone always asks where I get them. I have bought a couple, some of them (a few with the flowers) I have made, and then her Auntie Bridget started making her some real cute ones too. I just love the big hair bows! We went to Easter service at church and then went to Karen and Brian's house and hung out for a little while. Matthew played wii Mario Cart with our newphew Zachary. He loves the wii and apparently we are the only one of his six siblings who don't have one which is his good enough arguement for us to get one. We shall see.

Later on we went over to my parent's for dinner. I made mac'n cheese and a cake for dessert. The older I get the more I realize a lot of how "we" do things is because of my Italian background. Everything is always a big-to-do. Most people, it seems, don't really do a big Easter dinner similar to a Christmas dinner. But, the Italians do. There are so many traditions. In fact, this may be the first Easter I remember NOT having lamb as part of the meal. This year there was only ham. I never ate the lamb of course. In fact, I think my grandparents and mom may be the only ones who actually ate the lamb. My Grandma and Great Aunt Ata said that growing up they always had either lamb or rabbit on Easter. I thought this was kind of funny. I mean, little lambs and bunny rabbits are so Easter-ish....of course it would only be appropriate for the Italians to eat them on Easter.

After dinner out came the board games and the wii. Matthew was all about playing the wii-fit yoga. It was QUITE histerical. He was really into it. Olivia got cranky for some reason. In fact, she has since been cranky. Her excema has gotten really bad the last couple of days. I called the doctor to see if there was anything else I could do for her because she seems so uncomfortable. She said I needed to go ahead and make an appointment with an allergist. They think she may have a food allergy to something I am eating which would cause severe excema and also vomiting (which she vomits a lot). SO, we shall see what the allergist says. My poor baby girl.

Here are a couple pictures of Olivia in her Easter dress.

My pretty Olivia...

Can't believe those blue eyes

Hope you all had a great Easter! I'll be back again soon!


  1. Your daughter is so adorable! It's so cute how she has all the hair bows. Hope all is well!
