After we parked the car it was a big-to-do walking to the place where the bus picks you up to take you to the terminal. The bus ride was interesting. We're sitting on the bus and my dad says to this random guy standing there "your zipper's down" so of course he looks down at his crotch. Funny thing was, my dear concerned father was talking about the zipper on the guy's luggage not his pants. Haha. Poor guy. The plane ride went really well. Olivia was an angel. The only small issue we had was when she had a diaper explosion and we had to figure out changing her without a surface to do so. That was interesting.
The trip was a really great time. I was so happy everyone finally got to meet Olivia. When my Grandma met her she started to get emotional. It was a really special moment. The rest of the trip was spent doing what we do best: eating and chatting and eating and chatting. We took Olivia to my Grandma's old folks home. All the elderly got a kick out of Olivia. My Grandma said that the old people just go nuts when a baby or a little dog come to visit. My Grandma cracks me up. She is 83 years old but has the mind of a 30 year old. Her memory is excellent and she has the funniest sense of humor.
We went to the red rocks one day which was really fun. Matthew, Jessica and my Dad also got to go skiing/snowboarding with my Aunt Debbie. They had a BALL. One day while we were there we went to a real Italian Bakery. There aren't any good Italian bakeries around here so we took full advantage. Our favorites were the cannolis and the rainbow cookies. So much for my point counting.
On Sunday my Aunt Debbie hosted her annual St. Patty's party. She taught me her corn beef and cabbage recipe. All the cousins and aunts and uncles came...we had a really great time. Jessica and I made a chocolate cake. It turned out kind of funny because we forgot about what the altitude does when baking. Also, when we took the cake out and set it on top of the stove to cool it started bubbling in the middle. My Aunt was like "um, is it supposed to bubble like that?" For several minutes I couldn't figure out what the problem was but then we realized the dang burner on the stove top was left on causing our cake to boil. So much for my master baking skills.
The trip went by so fast. I couldn't believe when it was time to leave already. Here are just a few pictures from the trip. My sister posted the rest on facebook.

Our visit to the Red Rocks.

Grandma and Aunt Debbie with Baby Olivia.

Cousins: Monica, Annalise, Allison, Jessica, Me and Baby Olivia.

Grandma and Olivia wearing their green at the St. Patty's party.

"OHHH Mama I am so sleepy from all the traveling!"
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