From time to time I am going to write a post that will offer ideas to keep a little one busy and entertained. Though I only have one kiddo at this point in time, I feel more like I have had a hundred between growing up with so many siblings and also teaching in the elementary school setting. Sometimes my "ideas" of things to do might be classic and boring...such as the good old box of crayons. While sometimes they might be a little more "edgy" and outside of the box.
I figured I would start with shaving cream because it is an old time favorite yet often forgotten. The following is a list of what I like about this activity:
1. It's cheap--only a couple of dollars a can. And I definitely get the cheap stuff. My child is not picky with the scents and flashiness of the can.
2. It's tactile and provides the sensory input young children love.
3. It can even be an academic based activity! Sit your first grader at the table and have him/her practice tracing their spelling words in the shaving cream--How fun would THAT homework be!?
4. While initially causing a good size mess, the end result of the shaving cream (which actually happens to be soap based) after taking a wet cloth to the counter top it cleans VERY nicely and gets any sticky goo up without even scrubbing! If you are still not sold on a shaving cream covered counter top, get a tray or pan and keep the shaving cream on it.
My most favorite reason I like the shaving cream activity is that my Little Liv LOVES it! :)
17 St. Patrick’s Day Dessert Recipes!
1 week ago